La Cocina de Tamar
Good Healthy Latin Food Recipes & tips
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Friday, September 27, 2013
Sauté Chicken breast (Pechuga de Pollo en salsá)
Ingredients A 4-5 chicken breast Adobo n garlic salt or salt n pepper to taste Ingredients B 1/4 c chopped onion 1/4 c sweet pepp...
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Shrimp Scampi w Linguini (A lo Olive Garden)
1 box of linguini ( angel hair or spaghetti ) 1 pkg. of medium shrimp (ready to cook, season with garlic salt, adobo or salt n pepper to ta...
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Arroz con Salchicha
2 pqte. de salchicha o 4 latas de salchicha 1 cda de aceite de oliva 2 cda de sofrito* 1/2 lata de salsa de tomate 1 sobrecito de achiot...
Monday, October 22, 2012
Sopa de Habichuelas Negras
2 latas Frijoles Negros (Habichuelas negras) 2 cdas. Aceite de Oliva 1/4 taza de cebolla picada 1/4 taza de pimiento verde picado ...
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Manicotti Relleno de Carne, Amarillos y Ensaladita
Beef Stuffed Manicotti, Sweet Plantains and Salad 6-8 manicotti* Aceite de Oliva (Olive Oil) S...
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